Sami Callihan

Confira clicando em "Leia Mais" as Gifs do Wrestler, Sami Callihan.

Bicycle Kick
Bicycle Kick photo BicycleKick_zpsb6638fe6.gif
Saito Suplex
 photo SaitoSuplex_zps1ff50217.gif
Wrist-Clutch Exploder Suplex
Wrist-Clutch Exploder Suplex photo Wrist-ClutchExploderSuplex_zpsef550988.gif
Northern Lights Suplex
 photo NorthernLightsSuplex_zps7dad257b.gif
Koji Clutch
Koji Clutch photo KojiClutch_zps06527243.gif
Jobber Clobber
Scoop Powerslam
Superkick + Jumping Cutter
Forearm to Remember
Forearm to Remember photo SeatedLariat2_zps510f5887.gif
Corner Takedown Elbow Smash
Corner Takedown Elbow Smash photo CornerTakedownLariat_zps374ccd6a.gif
Diving Lariat
Death Valley Bomb
Death Valley Bomb photo DeathValleyBomb_zpsf802f3c6.gif
Avalanche Saito Suplex
Avalanche Saito Suplex photo AvalancheSaitoSuplex_zps88f45842.gif
Avalanche Lariat Takedown
Avalanche Lariat Takedown photo AvalancheLariatTakedown_zps9cd27339.gif
Diving Heel Kick
Diving Heel Kick photo DivingHeelKick_zps78f977e3.gif
Leap Frog Elbow Smash
 photo LeapFrogLariat_zps1994ca75.gif
Exploder Suplex in Ringside
Exploder Suplex in Ringside photo ExploderSuplexinRingside_zps6e9114fa.gif
Pumphandle Cradle DDT
Pumphandle Cradle DDT photo PumphandleCradleDDT_zpsbb977bb3.gif
Snap Back Suplex
Running Turnbuckle Assault Driver
Running Turnbuckle Assault Driver photo RunningTurnbuckleAssaultDriver_zpsfca966a2.gif
Sami Horror Picture Show
 photo SamiHorrorPictureShow_zps72b10b8a.gif
Sheerdrop Powerbomb
 photo SheerdropPowerbomb_zpsb61ca7ca.gif
Springboard Lariat
 photo SpringboardLariat_zps1054082b.gif
Slingshot Lariat
Stunner + Kawada Kick
 photo StunnerKawadaKick_zpsd25c8bc9.gif
Suicide Dive
 photo SuicideDive_zpsd8982ff5.gif
Switchblade Special
Wrist-Clutch Legsweep Facecrusher
Wrist-Clutch Legsweep Facecrusher photo Wrist-ClutchLegsweepFacecrusher_zpsbc31561a.gif
Headlock Driver
 photo AvalancheHeadlockDriver_zps9abb0ea0.gif
Brake Check
Brake Check photo BrakeCheck_zpsb1cd697d.gif
Stretch Muffler
Cloverleaf Style Stretch Muffler
Corner Takedown Elbow Smash photo CornerTakedownLariat_zps374ccd6a.gif
Piledriver to Table in Outside
Piledriver to Table in Outside photo PiledrivertoTableinOutside_zps570f470a.gif
Headlock Driver to Chair
Headlock Driver to Chair photo HeadlockDrivertoChair_zps70cdc9db.gif
Scoop Slam to Table
Powerbomb to Outside
Sami Callihan Sami Callihan Reviewed by Katszourani on 18:03 Rating: 5

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